February Shooting and Training Events in Denver, Colorado at Bristlecone
It’s all about LOVE at Bristlecone this month and we’ve got plenty of opportunities for you to “fall in love” with the shooting sports – whether you’re a first timer, beginner or an advanced shooter. Check out the details below:
Membership: All month in February, our monthly Couples Memberships are 30% off of the initiation fee! Nothing is better than sharing something you enjoy with your significant other. Read more about our Membership perks here. We offer both monthy and annual options with the most Member benefits in Colorado! Contact Danella Soeka at dsoeka@bristleconeshooting.com or 303.985.0989 xtn 200 to schedule a tour.
Training: Get 10% off of a class when 2 people register at the same time all month in February. Our classes are always educational and enjoyable, but they are much more fun and meaningful when you’re sharing the experience with someone else. See our list of classes and schedule here. Call or come in for the double registration deal. We offer everything from beginner to advanced classes, as well as non-firerms options so you’re sure to find something for everyone.
New Class: We’re rolling out a new class this February at Bristlecone: Defensive Shooting Fundamentals. The inaguaral session is scheduled for Tuesday 2/26 at 10AM and the cost is $125. This is a class taught almost entirely downrange that will focus on incorporating movement in to your shooting practice. Stay tuned for more information as the date approaches!
Gunsmith: We’re extending the January special from our wonderful and talented Gunsmiths through February; If you bring our Gunsmith the name of a new customer (must be a first time Bristlecone Gunsmith customer) that you referred in February, you’ll get an extra 10% off of labor on your next Gunsmith job. If you’re a Member, that’s 25% off (because you already get 15% off labor everyday in the Gunsmith Shop as a Member benefit!). And remember, the Gunsmith gives a 5% discount to Veterans all year round!
Valentine’s Deal on the Range: Looking for something unique to suggest this Valentine’s Day? We’ve got a great deal with no pre-registration required (subject to lane availability)! Join us anytime Thursday 2/14 through Sunday 2/17 for some heart-pumping range time and then great food next door at a discount. Here’s the deal:
For $45 (a $90 value):
2 people share a lane and get (2) 9MM rentals, 1 box of 9MM ammunition, 2 targets and eye/ear protection, then head next door to Westrail Tap & Grill for 30% off your meal that same day.