Ladies Night at the Gun Range
Every Tuesday is Ladies Day at Bristlecone. Ladies shoot for FREE all day! Men are welcome on Tuesdays, but just need to pay regular prices….
Armed Women of America

Bristlecone Shooting is proud to be the host facility for the Southwest Metro Chapter of Armed Women of America. AWA is an organization formed to educate, equip and empower women in a safe, fun environment – we are over 3,000 members strong with chapters in 49 states including 12 chapters in Colorado.
The Southwest Metro chapter meets twice a month for safety and range time, and a non-shooting class which will educate you on how to train throughout the month.
Our instructors are women who have obtained their NRA certifications including the Range Safety Officer certification.
We are here to empower women from age 18 and over in a relaxed format. Whether you are anxious about shooting but want to learn, or you have been shooting for years and want to advance your techniques. We have several instructors involved in the Southwest Metro chapter so that we can give the beginner the dedicated lesson they want, as well as advance the experienced shooter to the next level.
We have fun and make friendships that last a lifetime, while being safe and learning to defend ourselves.
We are also active in our community with support to charities and events. You are welcome to participate in the events as you would like. Family and friends are always welcome.
Email us for more questions or come see us at our next meeting.